2022 | Issue 4 - 6 May / Մայիս
From the Principal
Dear Parents,
Mothers' Day Assembly
It was gratifying to once again see so many of our mothers and grandmothers at our special Mothers’ Day Assembly yesterday afternoon. It certainly brought a sparkle to the eyes of all the students as they performed for one of the most important person in our lives - our mothers!
The Gemjian Hall came to life with the colourful displays and the projections on the big screen as each class presented what they had prepared for their mother. It was evident that the children enjoyed the beautiful songs. Their reciting of great poetry and expressions of love showed their affection towards their mothers. We were fulfilled by their performances thanks to the guidance of our wonderful teachers who had prepared them so well, in a short period of time.
Once again thank you to all who came along to enjoy the occasion and congratulated all our Mothers for their untiring work and support.
Integrating Technology in Our Classroom
Since the start of the year, our senior students have been happy to discover new tools of education in their classroom as part of Alexander school’s ongoing commitment to integrating technology and investing in the education of our future generation.
The latest interactive technology has transformed our learning and teaching practice. The sizeable 86inch touch board is driving group learning to a new level of relevance and engagement. These interactive boards are intuitive technologies that allow students to experience touch, gestures and engagement with the content, the learning, and each other in new ways.
As a result, it is wonderful to note that Alexander school continues to grow technologically by augmenting the already well-resourced classroom facilities. All students are provided with laptops or have access to iPads that are regularly upgraded to run the latest operating system, making them great learning and teaching tools.
Technology is everywhere we look, and it seems like everything is being constantly enhanced and improved in its capabilities. In particular, electronic, computer, and communications technologies constantly expand in capabilities and applications. Not only has the range of technologies changed, but it has also widened access to knowledge to such an extent that students and others now have to accept the fact that they need to be lifelong learners. It has been said - ‘The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn’. It is also true to say that - ‘Teachers need to integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum instead of viewing it as an add-on, an afterthought, or an event’. Encouraging students to learn how to learn is, in my opinion, the most important aspect of education.
Members of our staff are constantly looking for ways to use technology innovatively and effectively. Undoubtedly, ever since the introduction of the Laptops and the Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) in all our classrooms, significant changes have taken place in the way we teach or bring information and knowledge to our students. They have become an integral part of our teaching and learning by bringing the world to the forefront of our classrooms even faster, benefiting the learning resources available at our fingertips.
As I have stated in the past, gone are the days when we used computers to do ‘things differently’ at the school. The time has come for teachers to use the computer and other modern educational technology and do ‘different things’ in the classroom. I’m sure that students and teachers will be able to update you on the different things that we do here at Alexander school over the course of the year.
Bilingual Education
Many physiological studies have shown that the brains of bilingual people operate differently to single language speakers, and in fact that learning a second language is a great asset to the cognitive process. Experts say that children who learn a second language beginning in early childhood can benefit from increased critical thinking skills, memory and flexibility of the mind.
University of Queensland bilingual education expert Dr Simone Smala says other benefits of bilingualism include a slower mental decline, a better appreciation of other cultures and increased job prospects. However, despite the benefits, the proportion of students in Australia studying a second language is low compared with other countries. While the government has tried to push and encourage the learning of languages up to the senior years of high school, unfortunately speaking a second language is a skill that isn’t valued by the majority of Australians.
We do know that children who learn languages early have a lot of advantages. For example, there’s an interdependent relationship with English literacy development for children who learn languages early. There is also a greater meta-linguistic awareness, which basically just means the engagement with a second language makes even very young children a lot more aware of language, of its different roles, the structure of sentences and so on.
We also find that there is an increased mental processing capacity through the engagement with a second language, which leads to better memory and better control over information processing. For example, children become better at ignoring not so important facts and focusing on the important things.
In general, there are many advantages to being bilingual. One interesting benefit, based on many research studies, is that knowing a second language can slow down mental decline later in life. We can also see long term benefits in the way that it’s easier to learn more languages if you have learned a second one early in life. Knowing a second language also instils a general appreciation of other cultures and better intercultural understanding.
What we are starting to see now is that most industrialised nations are training their citizens well in English, so their citizens become fully bilingual. Monolingual English speakers might soon be the only monolingual speakers in the world and might be competing for jobs with people who can speak English as a second language well, but also have another language.
Manoug Demirjian

Tribute to our Mothers (Video - Click to Watch)
Healthy Harold Visit
Life Education NSW mobile classroom, also known as "Healthy Harold", visited our school recently. Life Education provides a positive health-based education program for primary students and helps them appreciate and respect the human body.
The programs are progressive, and each year students participate in a different program building on the knowledge gained in previous years. Programs also help develop life skills enabling students to make informed choices concerning their health.
Easter Celebrations | Assembly

Eggs are Rolling

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Lucky Ladybugs!

John the Rabbit

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Commemorations | Armenian Genocide & Anzac Day
107th Anniversary Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide - 24 April
AGBU Alexander Primary School student representatives joined the Divine Liturgy at the Armenian Apostolic Church of Holy Resurrection on Sunday 24 April, on the 107 Anniversary Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide. They also took part in the community procession to the Armenian Genocide Memorial, Khachkar and in the wreath laying ceremony. School Captain, Adelin Galsian joined the special program by presenting a speech on behalf of the young generation. We Remember & We Demand!
ANZAC Day Service at Terrey Hills War Memorial
On the morning of 25th April, AGBU Alexander Primary School representatives joined and laid a wreath at the ANZAC Day Service, organised by the Terrey Hills Progress Association at the Terrey Hills War Memorial, Frank Beckman Reserve.

Vegetable Week | The Big Vegie Crunch
Did you know that only 5.4% of Australian children eat enough vegetables?
To encourage students to eat more vegetables, AGBU Alexander Primary School took part in "The Big Vegie Crunch" (as part of Vegetable Week) on Thursday, 31 March at 10am.
Last time, more than 460 schools and 110 000 students across NSW joined together to break the record for the most children eating vegetables simultaneously.
On behalf of the AGBU Alexander Primary School Board, Teachers, Students and Parents we like to congratulate
Mr & Mrs Eric and Iren Petrosyan
and their children Levon and Aren
on the birth of their son and baby brother!
Vache Petrosyan
Born 17 March 2022
On behalf of the AGBU Alexander Primary School Board, Teachers, Students and Parents we like to congratulate
Mr & Mrs Shunt and Lilian Yessayan
and their son Elijah
on the birth of their daughter and baby sister!
Selah Shahnar Yessayan
Born 20 April 2022
On behalf of the AGBU Alexander Primary School Board, Teachers, Students and Parents we like to congratulate
Mr & Mrs Harout and Zani Okgian
and their son Vanig
on the birth of their daughter and baby sister!
Vaneh Okgian
Born 28 April 2022
Birthdays March - April
Happy Birthday to…
Zareh V. | Victoria K. | Daniel L. | Grace B. | Nareg B.
Armenian Student Fund
Report for Term 1 - Weeks 8
8 Points - Ararat $5.60
6 Points - Sevan $5.20
4 Points - Masis $4.80
Week 8 Total: $15.60
Report for Term 2 - Weeks 1
8 Points - Sevan $6.30
6 Points - Masis $6.15
4 Points - Ararat $4.60
Week 8 Total: $17.05
Accumulated: $95.05
Teachers' Awards
Year 6: Adelin G. | Khloe U.
Year 5: Lucas D. | Sofia J. | Kris K (x2) | Daniel L. | Peter T.
Year 4: Serineh M.
Year 3: Lara E. | Ava G.
Year 2: Gohar H.
Year 1: Grace B. | Cruz B. | Houry E. | Sophia F. | Lori M. | Sossie M. | Razmik S. | Dro S.
Prep: Naomi B. | Leon J. | Aren M. | Aren P.
Remember 10 Encouragement Awards = Teacher’s Award
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