2021 | Issue 8 - 7 May / Մայիս
From the Principal
Dear Parents,
Mother's Day Assembly
It was gratifying to see so many of our mothers and grandmothers at our special Mothers’ Day Assembly yesterday afternoon. It certainly brought a sparkle to the eyes of all the students as they performed to one of the most important person in our lives - our mothers!
The stage came to life with the colourful displays and the projections on the big screen. It was evident that the children enjoyed the beautiful songs, poetry and dance. Their reciting of great poetry and readings of love showed their affection towards their mothers.
We were all fulfilled by their performances thanks to the guidance of our wonderful teachers who had prepared them so well, over a short period of time.
Thank you to the P&F and all the parents who contributed to the afternoon tea following the special assembly. Once again thank you to all who came along and enjoyed the occasion and in turn congratulated all our Mothers for their untiring work and support.
N.A.P.L.A.N. Next Week
We have the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for Years 3 and 5 next week. For the first time, our school will participate in the NAPLAN Online assessment between 11 and 21 May. The 'Writing' test has been allocated for Tuesday, 11th May, while the 'Reading' will be held on Wednesday, 12th May. The ‘Conventions of Language’ assessment will be held on the following Tuesday, 18th May, with the final ‘Numeracy’ test on Wednesday, 19th May.
These tests can be stressful for the children. The best preparation is good rest during the week of the test, a calm, unrushed morning and a good breakfast before the test. Keep up the home reading each night so that your child does not find the reading part of the test too difficult. There is always a great deal of reading in these tests, except for the Writing. Even the Numeracy tends to have quite a bit of reading to get through.
Teachers are available to answer any concerns or questions you have in relation to these tests.
Manoug Demirjian
Healthy Breakfast @ Alexander School
Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) is an annual, national event when all primary school children are encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. It is a community event seeking to promote Road Safety, Health, Public Transport and the Environment.
The event will be held all around Australia on Friday, 14th May with the support and participation of our school. While walking to school is not an option for all our students, the objectives of the day also include promotion of public transport, reducing the level of air pollution created by motor vehicles and reducing the level of traffic congestion. In addition it reinforces safe pedestrian behaviour, develops the vital road-crossing skills children will need as they become mature pedestrians and ensures that children up to 10 years old hold an adult’s hand when crossing the road. Finally, by encouraging schools to ‘Host a Healthy Breakfast’ it promotes a healthy diet in conjunction with regular physical activity.
Good nutrition is essential for good health and a good breakfast is vitally important to start the day well. Breakfast gets the metabolism going and helps prevent a slump in concentration during the late morning hours. Studies also show that those who eat a healthy breakfast eat less junk food later in the day and have a lower intake of saturated fat and a higher intake of essential nutrients and dietary fibre for the whole day.
Thanks to the effort of parents and teachers, we will be able to organise a healthy and incredibly delicious breakfast next Friday for all the students. The menu will vary from fruit salad to yogurt with fruit berry or muesli toppings and cereal. Other items will include oregano (manaeesh), boiled or scrambled eggs to help wash it down with a cup of fruit juice or smoothie! At the same time there will be a presentation to discuss the activity, hoping that with the help of our parents we can improve the level of breakfast consumption by all students.
We understand that sometimes children miss the opportunity of having a good wholesome breakfast during the morning rush. For this reason we hope today’s breakfast at school demonstrated how simple, quick and easy it was to prepare and enjoy a good healthy breakfast.
You can select HERE to find Dr Rosemary Stanton’s (one of Australia’s best known nutritionists) guide for a healthy breakfast to give you more ideas and suggestions as to how you can boost your child’s metabolism with a brekkie!
NOTE: To help cover the cost of the Healthy Breakfast and support the purchase of new Canteen equipment, the students will be charged $3 for the event. The amount will be included in the next Canteen invoice.
School Life | Photo Gallery
Mother's Day Stall
Out & About...
P&F Committee - News
Ladies Night Out
There was laughter, tears, speeches and some wine as our Alexander School mum's and community were treated to a lady’s night out yesterday, to give our special ladies an opportunity to casually mingle, dine and connect.
Many emotionally packed speeches were made as mum's felt the need to verbalise how special and close our school community is.
We know that being a mum can be an all-consuming adventure, making us forget about the person we used to be pre-children. The lady’s night out with our mum pals certainly helped us reconnect through good conversation and familiarity. All our ladies went home with a personalised bottle of wine to enjoy as a memento of our enjoyable evening. We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our special Mums a very HAPPY MOTHERS DAY.
P&F Committee

Teachers' Awards
Term 2 - Weeks 2 & 3
Year 5: Cristian H.
Year 4: Lucas D.
Year 2: Zareh V. | Luca S. | Lara E.
Year 1: Sarkis D. | Scarlett H.
Kindergarten: Sophia F. | Nicholas A. | Houry E.
10 Encouragement Awards = Teacher’s Award
Armenian Student Fund
Report for Term 2 - Weeks 2 & 3
8 Points - Yerevan $5.80
6 Points - Sevan $4.80
4 Points - Masis $2.80
Week 2 Total: $13.40
8 Points - Yerevan $5.70
6 Points - Sevan $3.00
4 Points - Masis $2.50
Week 3 Total: $11.20
Accumulated: $179.25
Birthday of the Week
Happy Birthday to…
Grace B.
How to place a Lunch Order
From the Canteen Menu:
Select '🍴 Lunch' for more details.
Find the link 'Order Form'.
Select the link and submit the completed form by 1pm, the day before the lunch special.
On behalf of the AGBU Alexander Primary School Board, Teachers, Students and Parents we like to congratulate
Mr & Mrs Grigor and Christina Sarkisjan
and their sons Razmik & Vardan
on the birth of their daughter and sister
Lilit Sarkisjan!
Born 25 April at 5.45pm
Community Announcements
SELECT HERE FOR: Community announcements.
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