2021 | Issue 6 - 2 April / Ապրիլ
From the Principal
Dear Parents,
Easter Celebrations - A Great Success!
Our Easter Celebration was back with a great success, thanks to all the students, teachers, parents, graduates, family and friends who descended on Alexander School, for our annual concert. For 30 years, our Palm Sunday or Easter Concerts have been held at Duffys Forest - which has no doubt become a holy site for Sydney’s Armenian community, blessed by the spirit of St Mesrob. They came to witness and learn about a ‘Traditional Armenian Easter’, the theme for this year, which was presented and explained so magnificently by all the students.
The preparation and planning by the P&F Committee and staff came together as everyone gathered under the Covered Outdoor Learning Area and contributed to this wonderful event. The delicious food and beautifully presented sweets filled the warm atmosphere. So did the colour and spectacle of the Hat Parade that was enjoyed by all, as it showcased the inventiveness of our parents. The students looked happy and relaxed on stage, as they performed wonderful songs of praise, dances and explanations of traditions, which outlines the quality and diversity of education at this wonderful educational institution.

A Note of Appreciation
As we come to the end of our school term, it is important to reflect and appreciate the efforts of all those who have supported us, in the education of our children. The role that we play as a school community may not be realised immediately by the next generation or the ones who consume so much of our energy and resources. However, in due course they will certainly realise the effort of their supportive parents, dedicated teachers, caring friends, compassionate benefactors, board members and community to say... “Thank You!”
Please find a list of ‘Thank You’ comments in the Newsletter.
Our Graduates Reflect
As stated above, the role that we play as a school community may not be realised immediately by the new generation. However, in due course they will certainly realise the efforts of their school community to reflect and appreciate.
I recently experienced one such heartfelt example by our graduates. I know they will not mind me sharing their comments, because I felt and shared the same pride and joy with them...
Graduate of 2001 and solicitor Serop Aslanian wrote: "...I just thought you would like to know that today in Downing Centre court I had a hearing on a case and in the same court doing his own hearings was Shunt (Yessayan) as a Police Prosecutor. We were so happy to see each other and talk about our court work.
What a small world, some 20 years after graduation from learning to 'Grow & Serve', we are both working in the same court room as advocates for our respective clients (Shunt on behalf of the State no less) having grown up together like brothers.
I know you don't need motivation for what you do, but think about how small the school is and having multiple languages and cultures, and their would be no other two lawyers / prosecutors in that huge court building speaking the same language and coming from the same school!
Be proud of the work you do and all our teachers, because our graduates are out there kicking goals and representing our community every day!"
In response, Shunt was equally pleased to have seen his classmate that day and ended his reflection by saying " ...We both owe you and the Alexander School family a great deal for all of our good memories and for many of our successes. Vartsgernit gadar. "
It is gratifying to see these graduates, now with their young families, taking an active role in the community. In the true sense of our motto ‘To Grow & Serve’ - they have grown and are serving the larger Australian community as well as being ambassadors for their Armenian heritage.
«Ուռճանալ և Ծառայել»
Manoug Demirjian
More Videos and Photos of the Easter Celebrations are published on our Facebook Page. Like 👍 Comment 💬 & Enjoy!
Thank You
We’d like to say a big Thank You to …
Our school mothers and volunteers for providing a great canteen facility for students and staff: Mrs Nune Akayan, Mrs Ani Ananyan, Mrs Sonia Apanian, Mrs Matild Balkejian, Mrs Melanie Bidois & Mrs Silvia Aghabekian, Mrs Margueritte Boyadjian, Mrs Silva Dimijian, Yereckin Hasmik Hambardzumyan, Mrs Justine Hirlian, Mrs Lisa Jebian, Mr & Mrs Sebouh and Dzovig Kassis, Mr & Mrs Jacques and Angineh Kolokossian, Mrs Svetlana Khachatourian, Mrs Kristina Lepedjian, Mrs Vartni Mikaelian, Mrs Iren Petrosyan, Mrs Araz Shahinian, Mrs Cynthia Tomassian, Mrs Araxi Vartanian and Mr & Mrs Tim and Anna Wilkinson.
Current members of the P&F Committee: Mr Aret Elmasian, Mrs Lisa Jebian, Mrs Melanie Bidois and Mrs Liana Foudoulian.
Mrs Araz Shahinian and Mrs Svetlana Khachatourian for Coordinating the Canteen, including the rosters and menu through the school office.
All school families including the P&F for organising and running the Easter Celebrations. Your help and contribution helped make the day a great success. Thank you all!
Mrs Maggie Betchakjian for preparing, making and donating the lovely craft work for the Easter Celebrations raffle tickets.
All school families for their generous contribution to the Easter Hampers. Making sure we had beautiful gift hampers as raffle prizes and the delicacies for the cake stall helped boost our profits for the day.
Mr & Mrs Arys and Justine Hirlian for sharing their pet rabbits to help organise our special 'Easter Photo Booth' for all the students.
Mrs Cynthia Tomassian for providing weekly scripture lessons during term one on a volunteer basis, to help children understand and appreciate the Bible and its teachings.
Mrs Lisa Jebian for Coordinating the Alexander Playgroup with the support of Mrs Talar Bedikian and the Prep class every Tuesday morning.
Mr Arys Hilrian, Mr Vrej Jebian and Mr Jacques Kolokossian for assisting and organising maintenance work around the school.
Mrs Liana Foudoulian for capturing memorable moments with her photography skills during special events.
Mr Apo Dimijian for assisting with the transport of the private school bus.
Mrs Sossie Giragossian for helping organise the school Uniform Shop and stock.
Graduates Krikor Demirjian, Sera Bertikian, Asbed Anoushian, Sara Demirjian and Lara Khoudair for visiting the school to provide support in and out of the classroom.
Christine Apanian for her help and assistance during the term and for doing special tasks around the school.
All the wonderful teachers who do a great job with the children both socially and academically. Thank you for the hard work. Enjoy your break!
Student Portfolios
Term 1 Student Portfolios have been distributed. Please take time to have a good look at your child’s work over the holidays. We kindly ask you to also comment, sign and return the feedback sheet at the front of the folder.
Parents are no longer required to return the folders for binding. Please keep them, but do return the child to school next term!
School Life | Photo & Video Gallery...
Healthy Harold

Easter Fun!
On behalf of the AGBU Alexander Primary School Board, Teachers, Students and Parents we like to congratulate
Mr & Mrs Mher and Liana Foudoulian
and their daughter Sophia
on the birth of their son and baby brother!
Aren Jacques Foudoulian
Born 25 March 2021
Dates to Remember
02/04/21 Good Friday - Public Holiday
03/04/21 Holy Saturday - Public Holiday
04/04/21 Easter Sunday - Public Holiday
05/04/21 Easter Monday - Public Holiday
19/04/21 School Development Day (Pupil Free)
20/04/21 First Day Term 2 - Students Return
School Photos (Summer Uniform)
21/04/21 Years P-2 | Excursion to the Theatre
24/04/21 Armenian Genocide Commemoration
25/04/21 ANZAC Day - Public Holiday
Armenian Student Fund
Report for Term 1 - Weeks 9 & 10
8 Points - Sevan $8.00
6 Points - Yerevan $7.90
4 Points - Masis $7.10
Week 9 Total: $23.00
8 Points - Masis $12.30
6 Points - Yerevan $10.60
4 Points - Sevan $9.00
Week 10 Total: $31.90
Accumulated: $133.25
Teachers' Awards
Term 1 - Weeks 9 & 10
Year 6: Sargis H., Lara B.
Year 5: Martin A. | Adelin G.
Year 4: Alexander K. | Lio S. | Sirag K. | Peter T. | Sofia J.
Year 3: Lara G. | Dzila M.
Year 2: Leah B. | Lia G.
Year 1: Sophia U. | Gohar H. | Elena J.
Kindergarten: Razmik S. | Cruz B. | Levon P.
Preparatory: Ara V. | Vardan S.
Remember 10 Encouragement Awards = Teacher’s Award
Birthdays of the Week
Happy Birthdays to…
Victoria K.
Daniel L.
Donations to Alexander School
Anonymous - $1,000
Anonymous - $1,000
Mr & Mrs Kevork and Vicky Beylerian - $100
Thank you for supporting AGBU Alexander Primary School
How to place a Lunch Order
From the Canteen Menu:
Select '🍴 Lunch' for more details.
Find the link 'Order Form'.
Select the link and submit the completed form by 1pm, the day before the lunch special.
Community Announcements - Armenian Genocide Commemoration Events
SELECT HERE FOR: Community announcements.
Download the School Stream App | Select 'SchoolStream' for instructions or download from Google & Apple stores.