2021 | Issue 3 - 19 February / Փետրուար
From the Principal
Dear Parents,
Parent Information Evening
On Monday evening, we held our annual ‘Parent Information Evening’. I would like to thank all the parents from the junior years, being the only ones allowed to attend, for their presence. By showing support in their children’s education, they have in turn demonstrated interest in their school life. Here at Alexander school, we believe the commitment of the parent body plays an important role in the life of a school. Therefore, continue with your valued effort to get right behind your children and play a supporting role, because your children are the ones who benefit.
The first session of the evening was held in the Gemjian Hall, where parents were given an outline of the year's plan. I was able to do this with a recorded video presentation, which has also been shared with all our parents and with this Newsletter. I encourage all parents to watch the session (see below), as it covers all the major points of information.
As outlined at the end of the presentation, I would like to once again request from parents to consider joining the P&F Committee, in particular the new families. Thank you to those parents who have already shown interest, because P&FC meetings are a good forum to bring your ideas or suggestions for the everyday running needs of our school. If you have any suggestions you can also approach P&FC members to discuss and include them on the agenda for the following meeting. As you know, the P&FC plays an important role in running the canteen and catering special events. They are also responsible in organising a number of in-school events and providing general feedback and assistance in areas of need.
We understand that it’s not possible for all families to get involved in all aspects of the P&FC or school life, however we encourage you to have your say. We would like to receive feedback as to how we can improve the services being provided to students and guests.
If you are interested in joining the P&F Committee or providing assistance to the canteen, please complete the FORM.

'Parent Information Evening'
Presentation | Mr Manoug Demirjian

'St Vartan’s Day' - School’s Program
Opening Speech | Sargis Hambardzumyan (Captain)
St Vartan's Day - Blessing & Holy Communion
Last Thursday, a group of students from Years 5 & 6 joined the special St Vartan’s Day service at the Armenian Apostolic Church of Holy Resurrection. In school tradition, they received blessings and Holy Communion for the start of the new school year and took part in a concise schools’ program.
The program included readings and poetry recitals dedicated to St Vartan, while the sermon by His Eminence Archbishop Haigazoun Najarian reflected on the importance of the ‘Battle of Vartanank’ in 451AD and its significance to the survival of Armenians as Christians. Once again the students displayed exemplary behaviour both during and after the church service. They took part in the congregation by praying and following the Divine Liturgy.
Congratulations to the students who took part in the program. They were led by our Captain Sargis Hambardzumyan, who commenced the program by thanking His Eminence, the clergy and the church council for the invitation. This special day highlighted the spirit of unity and the battles we continue to face as a nation and community.
St Vartan's Day - Church Service & School's Program
(Note: You will be directed to the Facebook page of the Armenian Apostolic Church)
Notes of Appreciation
As a school, it is imperative that we communicate with our parents. It is through this connection that we are able to evaluate the services we provide, not just in the education of our students but also as a school community. Most of the time, the dialogue between the parents, students and teachers or the executive is related to the everyday operation of the classroom and school. Therefore, as we concentrate on the detail, we may end up shifting our focus from what we have set out to achieve. However, when the year comes to a close and parents decide to provide a reflection, such as the examples below... that's when everything becomes very clear that we are in fact on the right track!
Thank you for passing your thoughts and allowing us to share anonymously with the rest of the school community:
"...Yesterday all four of us sat on the couch as many other families as well, watching remotely the offerings that had been prepared in the lead up to this Christmas concert/graduation with your students, our kids.
As parents we were touched not just by the dances, the singing and the words spoken by our children and all their friends, but by continuing to watch and see and hear the stories of the departing Year 6 class. We realised it will be only few more years before our children graduate!!!! It brought real tears to our eyes and made us feel humble and grateful for the opportunity for our family to be involved in the Armenian culture through the school, connecting with their heritage so deeply.
...We count ourselves lucky despite the 32 km distance to APS, to have the opportunity for our children to be in such personalised Armenian ‘hands’ and hearts.
Again, at this time of year, we recognise your commitment to the school... and are deeply grateful for the work our teachers have done over the year. Our children love the school, go happy every day and return enriched through a deep sense of belonging, albeit yet largely unconscious, instilled in them -- it is there and tangible for us!
...Thank you all deeply for the work you have done and will do into the future for a better world by moulding the young hearts and souls in your care!!!"
I would like to share another letter from parents who have used their precious time and made a great effort to express their appreciation. The parents who handed this letter to me apologised for the length of their reflection, but we certainly make no apology on its content...
"Starting one's school career as a four and a half year old is a daunting chapter in life. One leaves the familiar settings of home behind to take on board new adventures, meet new characters and become part of new settings. Inevitably, all these novelties create a whirlwind of butterflies in the stomach which fly all the way up to the tear ducts. As parents are ever so slowly trying to escape the first drop off, the butterflies tickle these ducts releasing an uncontrollable torrent of tears. Parents are trapped, weighted down by a guilt concoction of frustration and grief, making escape impossible.
Indeed, at the beginning of the year, this was our situation with ...... and we were at a loss with what to do. We really were dreading the fact that every morning was going to be like a drama filled soap opera as the ......ian's dropped off their child. Fortunately for us, this was not the case. Your safe, supportive and caring school environment made sure of that.
As the days became weeks, and the weeks became months, ......'s confidence at school developed immensely. He was eager to attend every day and felt very much comfortable as part of the Alexander Primary School community. He would consistently tell us all the rules and rituals that were a part of the school, from the marvellous merit certificates all the way down to the dreaded 'red book'. With enthusiasm and eagerness in his voice, it was obvious he was loving school.
We would like to personally thank you on your leadership for providing not only a wonderful institution where each child can grow academically, but also an environment that fosters the personal development and confidence of every child allowing them to take risks in order to better themselves. This would not be possible without your genuine interest in and care for each student.
With the significant number of difficulties that this year had posed, we really appreciate all that you have done for our son and the greater school community. We would like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and we look forward to seeing you again in 2021."
A final note of thank you, with well wishes for the new year…
“…Ցանկանում ենք յայտնել մեր խորին երախտապարտութիւնը ուսուցչական կազմի աշխատանքի եւ մեր զաւակի նկատմամբ հոգատարութեան համար: Տա Աստուած որ գալիք տարին ձեր բոլորին բերի քաջ առողջութիւն, յաջողութիւն եւ կանաչ ճանապարհ:”
“…մաղթում ենք, որ 2021-ը լինի բեղմնաւոր, առողջ եւ տարատեսակ փորձութիւններից զերծ տարի… Շնորհակալ ենք նման հոգատար, ուշադիր եւ անաչառ լինելու համար…”
We also look forward for a successful year, with full of God's blessings.
Manoug Demirjian
School Life | Photo Gallery...
Pancake Day!
Making Sushi & Gingerbread!
Classroom & Assembly...
Play equipment posts polished and rejuvenated!
School Banking | Get involved in the program
AGBU Alexander Primary School continues to offer the Commonwealth Bank School Banking program to all students.
School Banking is a fun, interactive and engaging way to help teach your child the importance of saving. Children who deposit money into their Youthsaver account through School Banking will earn an exciting reward every time they reach 10 deposits.
The rewards available during 2021 are:
o Terry Denton’s Activity Book
o Scented Stackable Highlighters
o Mini Soccer Ball (size 2)
o Icicle Slapband Ruler
o Treetop Stationery Set
o Snowy Origami Set
o Treetop Handball
o Water Skimming Bounce Ball
o Tomato Seed Kit
o Polar Pencils & Pencil Toppers
o Emoji Wallet
o Scratch Art Cards
o Snakes & Ladders Game
School Banking is also a great fundraiser for our school. Our school receives a Regular Savers Contribution of $5 for every 10 deposits processed per student as well as an Annual Contribution which is based on the number of students who made at least one School Banking deposit in the prior year. For more information about contribution payments, visit .
Getting involved in School Banking is easy!
All you need to get involved in the School Banking program is a Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account. You can open an account for your child in one of two ways:
1. Online | Visit and click on the link to open a Youthsaver account.
2. In branch | Visit a Commonwealth Bank branch with identification for yourself and your child, like a driver’s licence and birth certificate.
If your child has an existing Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account they can start banking straight away. They just need to bring their deposit in every week on School Banking day using their Dollarmites deposit wallet.
School Banking day is Wednesday. Each week students need to have their bank deposit books in order to make a deposit into their account.
If you would like to know more about School Banking, please check the 2021 School Banking program Parent Guide to School Banking
or visit
Parents can check the 'Parent Information' flyer, which includes the details of starting a Youthsaver account for those who want to join the School Banking program.
They can also watch an episode from a dedicated Financial Literacy video series called 'Beanstalk' by Commonwealth Bank, to find a variety of resources to teach children about all things money related.
Birthdays of the Week
Happy Birthday to…
Nicholas A. | Sargis H.
Donations to Alexander School
Mr & Mrs John and Silvia Aghabekian - $500
On the happy occasion of their grandchild
Cruz Bidois starting Kindergarten @ Alexander School
Thank you for supporting AGBU Alexander Primary School
On behalf of the AGBU Alexander Primary School Board, Teachers, Students and Parents we like to congratulate our former student and current School Board member
Dr & Mrs Kevork and Garine Dertadian
on the birth of their daughter
Maya Azad Dertadian!
Born 14 February at 2.13am | 3.04 kg | 50cm
Samaritan’s Purse
Towards the end of last year, as part of the Scripture lessons with Mrs Cynthia Tomassian, the students were introduced to Samaritan’s Purse and successfully took part in the ‘Operation Christmas Child’ shoebox gift appeal.
The students taking part in this Christmas gift appeal were asked to ‘pack a shoebox’ by filling it with a variety of simply gifts.
We like to share the following letter of appreciation from the organisation.
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SELECT HERE FOR: Community announcements.