2021 | Issue 17 - 29 October / Հոկտեմբեր
From the Principal
Dear Parents,
Welcome Back!
After thirteen weeks of Remote Learning and four weeks of term break, it was a warm welcome to see all the students back in their classrooms. They all seemed excited to be back and eager to get on with their learning just as we were in teaching, minus the screen!
The current Level 3+ restrictions are expected to continue until the end of the year. It is imperative that the safety of your children, our staff, our families and the wider Alexander Community is our priority. The Covid19 Safety Plan and protocols will continue to govern our operations around the school. This includes QR code to sign in and masks being mandatory for all adults at the school.
The Public Health Order (PHO) mandates that all adults 16 years and over who are entering the school to be fully vaccinated from 8 November. Evidence of this needs to be sighted by me in advance.
If a student presents as unwell or with Covid like symptoms, they will be isolated from other students and staff. Parents will be called, and the student will not be permitted to return to school until they can show proof of a negative Covid test.
We will continue to operate under NSW Health guidelines and as such parent access will be restricted. We hope to open the Canteen for Morning Tea and Afternoon Snack from next week. Further information will be email soon to parents.
As a school community, what we have learned over the past 17 weeks is that our students are very much the lifeblood of this magnificent educational institution and we feel blessed to having them back on site. We thank you for your continued support and please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything we can do to support your family in the transition back to face to face learning.
Christmas Concert & Graduation
The School Board has made it clear that we must adapt as a community in order to comply with strict NSW Government Health regulations and our overarching policy guidelines. As we continue our operation based on the PHO, we also continue to work hard during this time, to limit the effects on the Graduating Class of 2021.
Therefore, we need to state that similar to last year our Year 6 Graduation event scheduled for Sunday, 5 December 2021 will not directly involve any parents or family members of students in Prep to Year 4. As a School we will still conduct all the traditional ceremonies previously held, but as we did in 2020, it will be structured differently and be in line with NSW Government law and Health policy. The School will arrange for photography and video recording as well as live streaming, so that all our students and parents are able to witness this special occasion.
In summary:
The 'Christmas Concert & Graduation' event will be held as scheduled - Sunday, 5 December 2021.
The event will be 'Live Streamed' with a Prep - Year 6 Christmas production, that will be prepared and recorded in advance.
Prep to Year 4 students and their parents will be able to join and watch the 'Live Stream' from home.
Only students of Years 5 & 6 and their parents will be invited to the Graduation concert in the school's Gemjian Hall. This includes siblings of Year 6 students.
New Teaching Position
It gives me great pleasure to announce that with a continued increase in our enrolments, the School Board has agreed to welcome an additional member to our teaching staff from 2022. The search for a suitable candidate has commenced and the position has been advertised (see below for more details). We hope to introduce the new teacher to the school community before the end of the year.
Manoug Demirjian
School Life | Prep & Kindergarten

School Life | Years 3-4

School Report | 2020
As part of our Registration and NESA requirements, the Annual School Report for 2020 was published earlier this year. However, due to the lock-down restrictions hard copies of the report were not distributed to the school community.
The report includes... Academic Performance, Teacher Standards, School Policies on Enrolment, Discipline, Safe & Supportive Environment, Improvement Targets, Summary of Financial Information and a lot more!
Copies of the report can be obtained from the office, or by selecting the button below.
It is also available on our school WEBSITE, including reports from previous years.
Honour Awards
Congratulations to our first recipients of the year!
Adelin G.
Peter T.
Dzila M.
Lara G.
Remember 5 Teachers' Awards = Honour Award
Teachers' Awards
Year 6: Sargis H. | Lara B. | Berj T.
Year 5: Adelin G. | Khloe U.
Year 4: Michael A. | Lucas D. | Sofia J. | Sirag K. | Kris Kh. | Anthony K. | Razmik K. | Daniel L. | Peter T. | Lio S.
Year 3: Sevana B. | Dzila M. | Lara G. | David Kh.
Year 2: Leah B. | Lia G. | Zareh V. | Harout K. | Ava G. | Lara E.
Year 1: Gohar H. | Anna D. | Victoria Kh. | Sarkis D. | Elena J. | Christopher W.
Kindergarten: Nicholas A. | Nareg B. | Sophia F. | Sossi M. | Levon P. | Davit K.
Preparatory: Ara T.
Remember 10 Encouragement Awards = Teacher’s Award
Happy Birthday to…
Razmik K.
School Banking Update
For 90 years, our School Banking program has helped children learn about money, reinforced the importance of regular savings and provided structure for parents to support their children to save. However you may be aware that in past months, a number of state and territory governments have announced bans on banks delivering programs in their schools, and the NSW Government announced a similar decision today, because of a report from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
Because of the ASIC review and these government decisions, we are unable to continue providing the School Banking program. As a result, the CommBank School Banking program will not be returning to our school.
New Teaching Position:
TEACHER - PRIMARY SCHOOL (Follow the link on SEEK)
A.G.B.U. ALEXANDER PRIMARY SCHOOL - 2 Namba Road, Duffys Forest NSW 2084
P-6 bilingual English & Armenian Christian school with strong community values.
A part-time (0.8) teaching position over 5 days a week. The temporary position to be reviewed at the end of the year with the possibility of extension.
The successful applicant will be enthusiastic and innovative, an excellent communicator who can work well with a small team of teachers and parents, committed to pastoral care and willing to contribute actively to the full life of the school and supportive of its Christian ethos.
Applications, including curriculum vitae and at least three references/referees to the principal:
Mr Manoug Demirjian |
Tel: 9486 3266
Community Announcements
CLICK HERE: Community announcements
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