2021 | Issue 16 - 15 October / Հոկտեմբեր
From the Principal
Dear Parents,
Return to School
Thank you for your patience and support as we continue to navigate the restrictions around COVID-19. AGBU Alexander Primary School is required to take direction and follow the guidelines distributed by the NSW Government, NSW Health, NESA and AIS NSW when planning the safe return to school.
NSW Government adjusted the timeline for school return to align with the anticipated community vaccination rates. In line with this change and in our return to school planning, it is imperative that the safety of your children, our staff, our families and the wider Alexander Community is our priority. We are all looking forward to our students returning onsite under Level 3+ restrictions.
Kindergarten and Years 1/2 will join our Prep students for a return to face-to-face learning at school from Monday, 18 October.
Years 3-6 will return from Monday, 25 October.
All students are expected to be at school from Monday, 25 October. If your child is unwell or suffering any symptoms, they should remain at home until they return a negative COVID-19 test.
All school buses will resume their operations as normal (students need their Opal cards to tap on and off). Our private bus will also return to its usual service and timetable. Students who are being driven to school, need to enter from the admin building. Parents and carers will not be permitted on the school grounds at any time. All adults must be wearing masks, be physically distanced and wait in the well ventilated outdoor areas.
Masks are mandatory for all adults at the school and have been recommended for primary school students attending school. Classrooms will be well ventilated and cleaning enhanced.
As mandated by the Public Health Order (PHO), all staff are required to be fully vaccinated by 8 November. This includes contractors and volunteers. Evidence of this has been collected and sighted by me.
Until further notice, there will be no Canteen facility. Students are expected to bring their own morning tea and lunch.
Students return in Summer Uniform. They are expected to be in Sports Uniform on Fridays for fitness sessions.
Our students’ wellbeing and safety across this transition time remains our school priority. Please contact the class teachers if you have any wellbeing concerns about your children.
The return to school will be both an exciting and challenging time for students, families, staff and the broader community. We understand that there will be hurdles to overcome and problems to solve along the way and encourage you to take each day as it comes and be confident that we can work together to make the return to school a real success.
Manoug Demirjian
Remote Learning | Adventures of Kindy

Adventures with Dikin Colette and Kindy

Kindy's Amazing Art of Natural Materials

Kindy's Amazing Fruit and Vegetable Art

Pirate Week with Kindergarten
On the Feast of the Holy Translators | Years 5&6

ԹԱՐԳՄԱՆՉԱՑ ՏՕՆԻ առիթով` ՀԲԸՄ Ալեքսանտր Վարժարանի աշակերտները կը շնորհաւորեն բոլոր Ուսուցիչները՝ իրենց նուիրական տօնին առթիւ:
To celebrate the great legacy of the Holy Translators and literary figures who led Armenia through a spiritual-cultural awakening which we continue to enjoy to this very day, each year the Diocese of the Armenian Church of Australia and New Zealand invites the teachers of our community Armenian schools to tribute their contribution to the preservation of our language and culture.
With the opportunity to connect on the Zoom platform, this year's gathering was held virtually on Sunday 10 October, under the patronage of His Eminence Archbishop Haigazoun Najarian.
The presentation began with a welcome by Mr Nishan Basmajian followed by a creative program which included the participation of Year 5/6 students from AGBU Alexander Primary school. Dr Yervant Zorian, Founding President of the AGBU Armenian Virtual College, as the guest speaker, provided an insightful overview of the online education program in Armenian Studies available to anyone in the world. The more than 80 participants were left inspired by the vast resources of the College which are available to Armenians of all ages.
Interview | Mrs Seta Keoshgerian on 'Voice of Nor Serount' Armenian Radio
On Sunday, 10 October Mrs Seta Keoshgerian took part in an interview on the 'Voice of Nor Serount' Armenian Radio program.
Կիրակի 10 Հոկտեմբերին՝ «Նոր Սերունդի Ձայն» Հայկական Ռատիոժամէն հարցազրոյց: Սիտնիի մէջ հայերէն լեզուի ուսուցում՝ Առցանց կլոր սեղան հայերէն լեզուի ուսուցչուհիներ Սեդա Քէօշկէրեանի եւ Արփի Դաւիթեան-Իսկիկեանի հետ:
Happy Birthday to…
Luca S. | Lara G. | Cruz B.
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