2021 | Issue 15 - 17 September / Սեպտեմբեր
From the Principal
Dear Parents,
The Challenging Term
As Term 3 comes to an end, after ten weeks of unprecedented 'Remote Learning', our school community can look forward to school holidays and a break from formal learning. Although this is not normal school holidays, I hope you are able to have some down time with your children during the spring break.
This is a time we hope will allow all our students to have some less screen time and some walks and outdoor time, to recharge themselves for the return of our 'Remote Learning' plan next term. The first day of school for Term 4 is Tuesday 5 October (after the October long weekend).
Congratulations to the students for all that they have achieved this term and for the resilience shown to never give up, even when times have been extremely challenging. A very big thank you to all our parents for the work that you have done to support your children with their Remote Learning. I know that many of you have made huge sacrifices to be able to check over your child’s work, encourage them to do their best, help them submit tasks and put up with the extra ‘mess’ that is around the house as they construct projects and art works. I know many of you have had to change work schedules to suit and were often working very late into the night to ‘fit everything in’. I also know that having the children learning from home tests everyone’s patience, not to mention the larger than normal food bill!
I know you also join me in thanking the staff for all they have done to ensure Remote Learning has been so successful. The teachers have worked hard to make sure the tasks were purposeful as well as engaging. They adjusted their learning to cater for all student’s needs, and were able to give extraordinary amounts of feedback to students. These were through Google Meets all day, everyday, as well as making mountains of phone calls and emails home to touch base and problem solve.
The Teacher Aides have been amazing supports for the teachers and students, as they provided direct support at school or online via Meet. Therefore, I applaud all our staff, both teaching and support, for their ability to be so flexible, adapt quickly and, like you, choose the positive path when things at times were overwhelming.
I have been inspired by our school community's daily resolve to stay positive and take a pragmatic stance when things were hard or challenging. I thank you for looking after one other, reaching out when you knew someone needed that gentle reassurance or just to connect. Thank you also for looking after your teachers and for those who regularly said ‘Thank You’. These two small words mean so much.
NAPLAN Results
This week the 2021 NAPLAN results for the school were released. Once again Alexander school students in Years 3 & 5 received excellent results and have made very pleasing progress. The individual student reports have been posted home. If you have not received it already, it should arrive early next week.
The Road Ahead
We are currently planning for a staggered return of year groups during Term 4. The specific dates of each year group’s return to face-to-face learning will be published early in Term 4 in line with NSW Health guidelines.
We have already been advised that when our students are able to return, very strict COVID guidelines will be in place. Although these guidelines may mean that normal activities we enjoy at school cannot go ahead, our priority, as always, is to provide a safe environment for all our students and staff.
We understand the restrictions of the pandemic will continue to present a challenge for the community, however we are confident that the work of our teachers and students in Remote Learning will prepare us for a successful return to school. As always, we will keep you updated with the latest NSW Health advice. At this stage, all students will be starting with Remote Learning in Week 1 Term 4.
I have missed you all, as well as the normal ‘buzz’ of school life. We need our students at the school to thrive. Empty classrooms were never meant to be. I look forward to your return next term. In the meantime, I would like to wish all of our families a wonderful Spring holiday and whilst there will not be the chance to get away, I pray that for each of you, there will be ample opportunity to spend time as a family and enjoy the beautiful weather!
Manoug Demirjian
Father's Day | Online Concert
AGBU ALexander Primary School presents a unique online “Fathers Day” Concert
ՀԲԸՄ Ալեքսանտր Վարժարանը կը ներկայացնէ առցանց իւրայատուկ «Հայրերու Օր»-ուայ Հանդէս

Preparatory Նախապատրաստական


Year 1/2
Ա./Բ. Դասարան

Year 3/4
Գ./Դ. Դասարան

Year 5/6
Ե./Զ. Դասարան

Kindergarten - Dance
Մանկապարտէզ - Պար

“Dad Oh Dad (I Feel Good)”

Father's Day Tribute
Remote Learning | Armenian Classroom

Խաղաղութեան Օրհներգ

Տես Խօսքերդ

Եղանակ | Զատկաճճի | Դրօշակ | Խխունջ

Լաւաշ - Մատնաքաշ - Գաթայ

Հացի Երգը
Stop Motion Animation | Years 3&4

Year 3/4 have been busy putting their creative hats on this term as we adapt to the changes that have come with Remote Learning.
We have enjoyed learning about Pixar animations and the process of developing storylines and characters. As we explored endangered species, Year 3/4 were asked to create their own stop motion animation that inform us of how we can protect our special endangered creatures. With minimal guidance, students problem solved and produced impressive stop motions.
Although I did not meet most of my class in person, it has been a fulfilling experience teaching the lovely students of 3/4 and being back at Alexander after all these years. It does feel like I have lived out the motto, 'To Grow and Serve'. I wish everyone a restful and happy holiday and an enjoyable rest of the year.
Miss Nyree Pezikian
Interview | Mr Demirjian on 'Voice of Nor Serount' Armenian Radio
On Sunday, 5 September Mr Manoug Demirjian took part in an interview on the 'Voice of Nor Serount' Armenian Radio program.
Կիրակի 5 Սեպտեմբերին՝ «Նոր Սերունդի Ձայն» Հայկական Ռատիոժամէն հարցազրոյց մը ունեցաւ մեր վարժարանի տնօրէն՝ Մանուկ Տէմիրճեան:
Thank You
We’d like to say a big Thank You to …
P&F Committee: Mr Aret Elmasian, Mrs Lisa Jebian, Mrs Melanie Bidois and Mrs Liana Foudoulian for organising the Father's Day surprise gift for all our school dads and the appreciation gift packs to all members of staff.
Mrs Marguerite Boyadjian for donating two large vases placed on the sides of the school entrance and to Mrs Lisa Jebian for organising the plants to help beautify the front entry.
Mrs Liana Ghazarossian-Foudoulian for her support in recording, editing and production of the Father's Day online concert.
Miss Nyree Pezikian for efficiently and effectively covering the Year 3/4 class while Mrs Dernee was on leave. It was a pleasure to have a graduate join the classroom not as a student but as a teacher… ‘To Grow & Serve’!
All the wonderful teachers, support staff and parents who did an exceptional job with the children during challenging and unusual circumstances. Thank you for the hard work!
Happy Birthday to…
Cristian H. | Michael A. | Alexander K. | Khloe U. | Sarkis D. | Dro S.
Dzila M. | Anna D. | Sophia F. | Mrs Vicky Dernee
Mrs Sonia Apanian | Mr Sarkis Misislian
On behalf of the AGBU Alexander Primary School Board, Teachers, Students and Parents we like to congratulate
Mr & Mrs Arthur and Alla Galstyan
and their children Ava and Aleks
on the birth of their daughter and baby sister!
Juliet Galstyan
Born 9 September 2021
Community Announcements
CLICK HERE: Community announcements - School Holiday Activities
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