2021 | Issue 14 - 3 September / Սեպտեմբեր
From the Principal
Dear Parents,
Return to School Update
The NSW Premier, Gladys Berejiklian recently announced a plan for all students in the state to return to school. I would like to thank all our parents for your patience, as we awaited this information.
The NSW Government has announced the intention for students to remain in Remote Learning until a staggered return to school beginning with students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 12 later in Term 4 - Monday, 25 October.
While this is the timetable we will be working towards, you need to be assured that the health and safety of our staff and students is our highest priority and will be the basis for our return to school plan.
The return to school will have a number of restrictions. More information about what this will look like practically will be made available to our school community as the term comes to a close.
With the end of lock-down in sight, it is even more important that we reduce mobility. While we certainly appreciate the fatigue of prolonged Remote Learning, as case numbers in Greater Sydney are at an all time high, we must remain vigilant and adhere to the stay at home orders to protect our entire community.
In the meantime, Remote Learning continues and our teachers are working exceptionally hard to ensure that learning continues to be engaging and educational.
Science & Book Weeks
Over the past few weeks we have celebrated Science and Book Weeks. It has been amazing to see how students and families have come together with their classmates to share wonderful experiments and creative characters from their favourite books.
We have been able to share and learn though our weekly online Assemblies and class presentation videos all the great learning that has been taking place as part of our Remote Learning plan. Some of these have been shared in our Newsletter, including the special Book Week Story from the creative teachers and staff at Alexander School!
Father's Day!
Over the past few weeks students have been preparing for their Father's Day Concert... online! Once again, this has been a unique experience for all involved, but just like Mother's Day last year, Alexander students have shown their creativity. We are all proud of their efforts, including the support of the parents and teachers to produce this fantastic production, which will be premiered on our YouTube channel on Sunday, 5 September @ 9am.
We may be in lock-down, but nothing would have prevented our school community in celebrating and thanking the special person in our lives... Our Fathers!
We thank God... the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and wish you a
Happy Fathers Day!
Manoug Demirjian
In Memoriam | Mr Garbis Abedjian
It is with great sorrow that we mourn the loss of Mr Garbis Abedjian.
Mr Abedjian was a strong supporter of Alexander Primary School. As one of the first parents at the school, his son Hagop and daughter Arsho are our graduates. He continued his association at the school for many years after their graduation, by volunteering his time and skills around the school. He designed and built the Greenhouse, helped with the original Chicken Coup and tiled the Canteen walls. Not to mention, lots of other volunteer work over the many Working Bees at the school... he will be dearly missed.
On behalf of the Alexander School community we pass on our condolences to his wife Annie, children and families.
Book Week | Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds

Book Week - Preparatory

Book Week - Kindergarten

Book Week - Year 3/4

Book Week Story by Staff
Science Week | Kindergarten

Happy Birthday to…
Martin A. | Harout K. | Sofia J. | Elena J.
Yereckin Hasmik Hambardzumyan
Community Announcements
SELECT HERE FOR: Community announcements - Stay at Home Orders
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