2021 | Issue 11 - 16 July / Յուլիս
From the Principal
Dear Parents,
Remote Learning
On Wednesday, the NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian announced that the restrictions, which were put in place for Greater Sydney from the start of Term 3, will continue for at least another two weeks or until the end of Week 3 (Friday, 30 July).
While we understand this is not the news we were hoping, AGBU Alexander Primary School will continue to follow the directives of the NSW Government, as they base their decisions on the latest health advice for the safety of the community.
With the extension of restrictions, Alexander School will continue with its Remote Learning plan. I wish to thank the dedicated staff who have been working exceptionally hard to ensure our students continue their learning in our online environment.
We understand that the current situation is challenging for both students and their families. Please feel reassured that we know you will do your best to support your child’s learning in the coming weeks and that we can work with you about any concerns you may have.
We are also aware that some families have parents working from home and that their ability to be involved with their child’s learning will vary according to their individual work, the age or class of the child and family circumstances.
I believe, we will continue to do well as a learning community and importantly as a community of faith. Together we pray for all those who are sick, for those that have lost their lives and for those who have been indirectly affected by this pandemic.
We also thank our parents for the ongoing support and the positive messages and affirmations our staff have received. In turn, we will continue to strive to meet the needs of the most important members of our school... our students.
In God we Trust... To Grow & Serve
Manoug Demirjian

Remote Learning Plan - Parents

Remote Learning Plan - Students
Message from the School Board
Dear Alexander School Community,
AGBU Alexander Primary School Board members understand and acknowledge the difficulties that parents and students are facing yet again, as a result of the recent Sydney lockdown. We appreciate the challenges that this situation has created.
Rest assured that the team at Alexander School, from the office staff to the teachers to the school Principal, have been working around the clock since the announcement was made to ensure that your children’s education continues uninterrupted and provides as ‘normal’ an environment as can be arranged under the circumstance.
We have been receiving continuous communications from the NSW Government, the Education Department, and the Association of Independent Schools over the past few weeks. We can confirm that we follow all recommendations provided by the authorities to ensure that we comply with all guidelines to keep our school safe.
We would like to acknowledge and express our appreciation for the support and positive feedback provided by the parents towards the school and its community.
We know that the Alexander School family has always been resilient. We are also confident that we will come through this situation, just like we have done so in the past.
Please know that as a school community we are stronger when we work together and support each other, especially during these times.
We wish you well and would like to let you know that we are always available to support you and our school family.
Alexander School Board
Student Services | Sick Bay & Facilities Upgrade
During the last week of term, the upgrade to the Sick Bay and baby facilities were completed with a symbolic ribbon cutting ceremony by the school executive and staff.
As a result, the furnishings to the room have been replaced with purpose-built materials. The First Aid supplies have also been organised and sorted to facilitate easy access. In addition, a Baby Change facility has been installed for visitors and parents of the Alexander Playgroup.
While we hope that our students and visitors will not require the use of the Sick Bay, they can also rest assured that they will be looked after with the highest level of care, if there was any need.
The room has been designed with the patient in mind, providing a space that will ensure their health and wellbeing.
We like to take this opportunity and say 'Thank You' to our parents Araz Shahinian and Melanie Bidois for providing their time and effort to assist in this project. It is greatly appreciated by our students, staff and the Alexander Community.

Thank You
We’d like to say a big Thank You to …
Our school mothers and volunteers for providing a great canteen facility for students and staff during Term 2 - by either donating or preparing lunches/morning tea or both: Mrs Sonia Apanian, Mrs Matild Balkejian, Mrs Melanie Bidois & Mrs Silvia Aghabekian, Mrs Margueritte Boyadjian, Mrs Silva Dimijian, Mrs Sarah Dixon, Mrs Sarin Elmasian, Mrs Liana Foudoulian, Mrs Annette Galstian, Mrs Alla Galstyan, Yereckin Hasmik Hambardzumyan, Mr & Mrs Sebouh and Dzovig Kassis, Mrs Svetlana Khachatourian, Mrs Natalie Khoudair & Mrs Shoushan Akayan, Mr & Mrs Jacques and Angineh Kolokossian & Mrs Keghanoush Kolokossian, Mrs Verjin Krikorian, Mrs Kristina Lepedjian, Mrs Vartni Mikaelian, Mrs Iren Petrosyan, Mr & Mrs Chris and Araz Shahinian, Mrs Cynthia Tomassian, Mrs Liana Torossian, Mrs Araxi Vartanian, Mr & Mrs Tim and Anna Wilkinson.
P&F Committee: Mr Aret Elmasian, Mrs Lisa Jebian, Mrs Melanie Bidois and Mrs Liana Foudoulian.
Mrs Araz Shahinian and Mrs Svetlana Khachatourian for Coordinating the Canteen, including the rosters and menu through the school office.
P&F Committee for organising and running the Mothers Day stall. Your help and contribution helped make the activity a great success.
Mrs Lisa Jebian for Coordinating the Alexander Playgroup with the support of Mrs Talar Bedikian and the Prep class every Tuesday morning.
Mr Jacques Kolokossian for assisting with tasks around the school.
Mrs Araz Shahian and Mrs Melanie Bidios for assisting with the upgrade and organisation of the Sick Bay and family facilities.
Mr Apo Dimijian for assisting with the transport of the private school bus.
Mr Michael Aghabekian for volunteering his time to involve the students at lunchtime soccer activity.
Mrs Sossie Giragossian for helping organise the school Uniform Shop and stock.
Graduates Isabella Bozikian, Elizabeth Ananyan, Vanessa Misislian, Sara Demirjian and Lara Khoudair for visiting the school to provide support in and out of the classroom.
All the wonderful teachers who do a great job with the children both socially and academically. Thank you for the hard work!
School Life | Photo Gallery
Mufti Day
Out & About...
Teachers' Awards
Term 2 - Week 10 &
Term 3 - Week 1
Year 5: Cristian H. | Martin A.
Year 4: Alexander K. | Michael A. | Sirag K. | Lucas D. | Anthony K. | Peter T.
Year 3: Lara G.
Year 2: Luca S. | Zareh V.
Year 1: Gohar H. | Clementine H. | Victoria K.
10 Encouragement Awards = Teacher’s Award
Armenian Student Fund
Report for Term 2 - Weeks 9 & 10
8 Points - Sevan $11.60
6 Points - Masis $5.20
4 Points - Yerevan $4.20
Week 9 Total: $21.00
8 Points - Masis $10.30
6 Points - Sevan $10.20
4 Points - Yerevan $6.20
Week 10 Total: $26.70
Accumulated: $226.95
Birthday of the Week
Happy Holiday Birthdays to…
Ara T.
Gohar H.
Christopher W.
Maria L.
Sophia U.
Leah B.
Lucas D.
Dates to Remember
19/07/21 Remote Learning - Week 2
22/07/21 School Assembly - Online
26/07/21 Remote Learning - Week 3
Donations to Alexander School
Anonymous - $1,000
Thank you for supporting AGBU Alexander Primary School
Community Announcements
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