AGBU Alexander Primary School
ՀԲԸՄ Ալեքսանտր Վարժարան
2020 | Christmas Special
From the Principal
Dear Parents,
Before we say goodbye to 2020, I would like to present to you the final Newsletter for the year.
For 30 Years, the weekly 'Newsletter' was published, printed and distributed to the school families as the main source of information. This important communication tool not only disseminated news from the classrooms, but also provided the permission slips for the parents to complete and return to the office.
Over the years, while the publication was also copied to the school's website or emailed to the community, it was still produced as a hard copy with the same print layout. With the advancement of technology, it soon became evident that the printed copy had limitations in the way information was shared. The desktop publishing was also a time consuming process that required a review.
The first major change to the Newsletter was introduced last year. It was no longer the means to provide the permission slips for school events. This was moved to an efficient online process and the Newsletter seemed to diminish in importance, as the new School App was also introduced over a year ago.
With the majority of parent communication now taking place over a variety of electronic devices, it was time for a further review of the Newsletter. There was no issue in making it available on the App, the increasing problem was the fact that parents could not read it on their small screens without zooming in and out of their devices.
Therefore, you are now able to notice and witness the latest change to our Newsletter... It has been moved and updated to an online version! As a result, after 30 Years of printing its pages, the Newsletter will be transformed and revitalised as a significant online communication tool with the school community.
This environmentally friendly process will not only reduce printing costs, but will also make it efficient with greater possibilities of innovative change and advancements.
I look forward to your feedback and review, as we also look forward to a New Year!
Once again, I want to take this opportunity to thank all our parents and friends for your support of the school this year. May your Christmas Season be peaceful and happy, and may the New Year bring nothing but good news to you and your family!
Manoug Demirjian
2020 Christmas Concert & Graduation
AGBU Alexander Primary School’s annual Christmas Concert & Graduation evening took place on Sunday 6th December. The Gemjian Hall was not filled to its usual full capacity, and the guests were not trying to secure an ideal spot to enjoy the event. In fact, there was plenty of room and distancing between the group of seats that were allocated and reserved for each of the guests. Only parents and students of Years 5 & 6 were the lucky ones who were allowed to attend this unique graduation ceremony, which was also live streamed for the first time to the rest of the school community and anyone around the world.
Another academic year had come to an end. A year that had not only been difficult for the Alexander community, but also the whole world, including Armenia. The year had started with full of promise and plans to help celebrate 30 Years of Educational Excellence. As current and former graduates prepared for major events, they anticipated in filling the anniversary year with unforgettable memories. However, due to unforeseen global circumstances, these were pushed aside, as we all came to experience challenging and unprecedented school times.
Despite all the challenges, our staff, led by the school executive, did their best to continue the education of our students online, to help ensure minimum disruption to the learning of our students. We are forever grateful to the dedicated teachers of AGBU Alexander School.
This year, the Christmas Concert was presented in the unique Alexander school way. In the first part, the younger grades presented “Christmas Interview” while the senior students had a special “Christmas wish – Peace”. This whole segment required pre-recording, with no students from Prep to Year 4 being present at the event. The second part of the program was dedicated to the Year 6 Graduation ceremony.
During the formal proceedings, the prestigious ‘Alexander Medal’ for 2020 was awarded to Adelin Galstian in Year 4. Following the student votes, which had taken place few days earlier, the School Captain for 2021 was also announced to be Sargis Hambardzumyan.
As the ‘Unforgettable Memories…’ of the graduates was live-streamed, we listened to their reflections and that of their teachers. By realising how the years had passed, the time had also come to present them with their graduation certificates. This was done with the support of the School Board Chair, Mrs Sossie Giragosian. Finally, after the traditional ‘Alexander School Farewell Song’ was sung for the last time by the graduates, Fr Bartev Karakashian concluded the evening with his closing address and prayer.
The school concert once again highlighted the quality of bilingual education offered at Alexander school. It showcased the level of care, the development and fostering of talent to the realisation of each student’s potential. By reflecting on these graduates and past students, there is no doubt that this wonderful educational establishment has offered them opportunities that otherwise would not have been possible.
With increasing number of student enrolments, we hope more parents will also make the choice to direct their children to Alexander school, where they will continue to ‘Grow & Serve’.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Շնորհաւոր Նոր Տարի եւ Սուրբ Ծնունդ
Photos & Videos...
Year 6 Graduation
Prep & K Graduation
Christmas Concert & Graduation
Full Live Stream
Christmas Concert & Graduation
Part 1 - Edited
Unforgettable Memories Անմոռաց Յիշատակներ
2020 Graduates
Unforgettable Memories Անմոռաց Յիշատակներ
2020 Graduates - Edited
Prep & Kindergarten Graduation
Full Live Stream
Prep & Kindergarten - Memories 2020
A big Thank You to …
Our parents and volunteers for providing a great canteen facility for students and staff: Mrs Sonia Apanian, Mrs Margueritte Boyadjian, Mrs Silva Dimijian, Yereckin Hasmik Hambardzumyan, Mrs Justine Hirlian, Mrs Lisa Jebian, Mrs Svetlana Khachatourian, Mrs Dzovig Kassis, Mrs Natalie Khoudair, Mrs Vartni Mikaelian, Iren Petrosyan, Mrs Araz Shahinian and Mrs Cynthia Tomassian.
Our graduate mum Mrs Maggie Betchakjian who requested to once again be on canteen duty to help provide a lunch special. Also thank you for her assistance in preparing the Graduation sashes.
Mrs Dzovig Kassis for Coordinating the Canteen roster and menu through the school office.
P&C members, in particular Mrs Araz Shahinaian and Mrs Annette Galstian for organising the Christmas Raffle, including all the donors of the wonderful prizes. Also a huge ‘Thank You’ to all the families and members of the community who supported the raffle.
Mr and Mrs Vrej and Lisa Jebian and family for helping to continue with the school’s landscaping project on both sides of the admin building. A year on and the garden is looking great! Also a note of appreciation to our graduates, Garo Betchakjian and Krikor Demirjian who provided their support and assistance in helping Mr Jebian with the maintenance of the gardens and greenhouse.
Mr Michael Aghabekian for volunteering his time to involve the students at lunchtime soccer activity.
Mrs Cynthia Tomassian for providing weekly scripture lessons during term four on a volunteer basis, to help children understand and appreciate the Bible and its teachings.
Mr Apo Dimijian for taking on the task as assistant driver of our Private Bus, on a number of occasions.
Mrs Lisa Jebian for coordinating and running the Alexander Playgroup on Thursday mornings.
Mrs Shake Vartanian for accepting the project to repaint and revitalise the playground mural of Mt Ararat. Her artistic skills are magnificent and the results speak for themselves!
Mrs Liana Foudoulian for taking on the task of a professional photographer at the P/K Graduation. Also, to our graduate Tzolare Giragosian for doing the same at the Christmas Concert & Graduation afternoon.
Mr Nazo Najarian and graduate Sevag Keoshgerian for their assistance in organising and coordinating the live stream project, during the concert and graduation.
Christine Apanian for her help and assistance in the P-K class and for doing special tasks around the school.
All the wonderful teachers and staff who do a great job with the students both socially and academically. Thank you for the hard work and dedication throughout the year. Enjoy your Christmas Holidays and we will see you back in 2021!
Christmas Raffle Draw - Live Stream
Garden Maintenance
Mrs Shake Vartanian
Artist @ Work!
Sara Demirjian
A Message from our School Captain
AGBU Alexander Primary School has become my second home, the teachers and students my second family. Here I've received education, love, respect, courage and self-confidence.
My favourite school year is 2020, because it has become a great honour to become the School Captain. This job has taught me to be an example and think about others. “To Grow and Serve”... this is our school motto. We have all grown and the time is going to come when we are going to serve not only our school but also our nation.
Inside Alexander Primary it is with great joy that I have learnt the Armenian language, because as an Armenian, I have to know my motherly language. I have learnt not only to read in Armenian but also read and learn about our nation's history.
Dear teachers, our graduating class is indebted to you. You gave us the words most important gift, 'education'. You taught us, with knowledge you enriched our minds and you guided us, so we would be noble and modest students. Our deepest thanks to you, for your admirable work. We wish you a healthy and happy life.
Goodbye Alexander Primary... I will miss you in a way I cannot explain and I will be sure to come back to see my friends and teachers.
Ես Սարա Տէմիրճեան, 2013 թուականին ընկերներուս հետ միասին եղած ենք “Նախապատրաստական” դասարանի առաջին աշակերտները: Երբ առաջին օրը դպրոց եկայ, ան շատ մեծ կ’երեւէր ու ես շատ կ’ամչնայի, որովհետեւ ամէն բան տարբեր էր: Սակայն շուտով նոր ընկերներ ունեցայ, որոնց հետ այս 8 տարիներ ընթացքին շատ ուրախ օրեր անցուցի: Շատ պիտի կարօտնամ իրենց, որովհետեւ այս տարի բոլորս պիտի բաժնուինք իրարմէ: Բոլոր ուսուցիչներս ինծի տուած են աշխարի ամենէն կարեւոր նուէրը ‘ուսում’: Սորվեցուցած են գրել ու կարդալ Հայերէն եւ Անգլերէն ու առաջնորդած են որ ըլլամ ազնիւ ու պարկեշտ աշակերտուհի մը:
Ալեքսանտր Վարժարանէն ներս ես սորված եմ Մայրենի լեզուով կարդալ մեր պատմութեան հերոսներուն մասին: Ես մեծ ուրախութեամբ սորվեցայ Հայերէն լեզուս որովհետեւ ես Հայ եմ եւ պէտք է գիտնամ իմ Մայրենի լեզուս: Հոն սորված եմ թուաբանութիւն, գիտութիւն, երգ ու պար: Այս սուրբ Վարժարանը մեզի տուած է կրթութիւն, սէր, յարգանք, քաջութիւն եւ ինքնավստահութիւն: Այս տարի ինծի մեծ պատիւ մըն էր ըլլալ դպրոցին պետ աշակերտուհին:
Այս պաշտօնը ինծի սորվեցուց օրինակ մը ըլլալ բոլորին ու մտածել ուրիշներուն մասին: Դպրոցը նշանաբան ունենալով «Ուռճանալ եւ Ծառայել», մենք ալ ուռճանալով մեծցանք ու պիտի գայ ժամանակը, որ օր մըն ալ պիտի գանք ծառայելու թէ մեր վարժարանին ու թէ մեր ազգին:
Կը խոստանամ հաւատարիմ ըլլալ Հայերէն լեզուին, ազգիս պատմութեան ու Հայրենիքիս: Նոյնպէս յաճախ պիտի այցելեմ Ալեքսանտր Վարժարան յիշելու իմ ուրախ ու երջանիկ օրերս, որ անցուցած եմ այս սիրուն յարկին տակ:
Իմ պատգամս է բոլոր աշակերտներուն միշտ ձեր լաւագոյնը ընէք, սորվելու ձեր դասերը, եւ մանաւանդ լաւ սորվիք Հայերէն լեզուն ու միշտ հպարտ ելլաք որ դուք Հայ էք:
Սիրելի ուսուցիչներ, խորին շնորհակալութիւն կը յայտնեմ ձեզի, ձեր կատարած սքանչելի գործին համար: Ձեր լաւագոյնը կատարեցիք մեզ սորվեցնելու, հոգ տարիք, որ մենք լաւ եւ օրինակել աշակերտներ ըլլաք: Ես ձեզի կը մաղթեմ առողջ ու երջանիկ տարիներ: Մնաք բարով Ալեքսանտր Վարժարան:
Սարա Տէմիրճեան
Football Fun!
Once a week, during our regular lunchtime play, we continue to have an additional level of excitement among some students, thanks to the efforts of Mr Michael Aghabekian. From the start of term, the students have been given the opportunity to enhance their soccer skills and have some fun. All made possible thanks to the support of Mr Aghabekian, who offers his time to come and volunteer for this fun activity. Thank you!
Dates to Remember
25/12/20 Christmas Day - Public Holiday
26/12/20 Boxing Day - Public Holiday
31/12/20 New Year’s Eve - Public Holiday
01/01/21 New Year’s Day - Public Holiday
26/01/21 Australia Day - Public Holiday
27/01/21 Staff Return - Meeting and Planning
28/01/21 Staff Preparation Day
29/01/21 Students Start 2021 School Year

Vegetable Garden!
Donations to Alexander School
Armenian Apostolic Church Council $1,000
Mrs Zarouhi Demirjian $200
On the happy occasion on her grandchild’s Sara Demirjian’s graduation.Mr & Mrs Yerchan and Sossie Giragosian $100
In Memoriam for the Late Vahram Jihanian
Mr & Mrs Noubar and Knar Soghomonian $100
Mr & Mrs Kevork and Vicky Tashjian $50
Thank you for supporting AGBU Alexander Primary School
SELECT HERE FOR: Community announcements.